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Updated: Sep 3, 2020


Published Monthly except July and August

20 - 06 Advocates for Current and Former Federal Employees June 2020


Jen Ballantyne is an Elder Law Attorney who spoke at one of our luncheon meetings. She shared the following story of Carlyn Morisset with Louise Soles, who then shared with me. Now, I want to share Carlyn’s story with the members of Spokane Chapter 32. Although Carlyn may not have attended our meetings, she was certainly one of us in spirit and purpose.

"One of the great things that came from the NARFE opportunity was meeting a little spitfire of a woman who was ahead of her time. Carlyn Morisset and I (Jen) became friends and I helped her get her legal and financial affairs in order. She passed away at age 97 on March 12 and now I am settling her estate.

Carlyn was an Army nurse during WWII. She went to UW for Bachelor's and Master's degrees in nursing and healthcare administration. Carlyn joined the Army Reserves in 1958 and retired as a Colonel in 1982. She worked for over 40 years for the VA as a nurse and in nursing administration. When she retired, Carlyn took her sick pay and traveled on an 80-day cruise around the world. She lived the last ten years of her life at Providence Emilie Court.

I (Jen) know that NARFE was particularly important to Carlyn, although I don't think she was able to attend many meetings near the end of her life. I wanted to make sure someone in the local organization knew about Carlyn's loss. Can you please pass this information along for me to the appropriate people?"

I wish to announce that Chris Smith and Joanne Welch (NPS Anchorage) will be Program Co-chairs for Spokane Chapter 32. Thank you, Louise, for all of your years of doing this job.


Due to the present health situation all Meetings

are cancelled until further notice.



We are all a little anxious. We miss meeting with our friends, or groups, and churches. We want to get back to our usual routines. Going shopping should not be an adventure! We are being urged to get out of the house.

The rush to normalcy entails the risk of danger to Federal employees. 126 workers have died of COVID-19. The recovery process has been infected with politicization. We realize that it is important to keep our economy churning. But how do we balance the economy versus the risk of contagion? We need vigilant and cautious calibrated plans. We are getting a hodgepodge.

This brings up a second point. The Federal government has abdicated its role in bringing us back to normal. OMB guidance asks agencies to adopt a mission focused strategy in consultation with State and local governments to decide when and how to reopen. If we are truly waging a war on this pandemic, this is like asking State militias to fight World War II.

A further point is that agencies may lack personal protective equipment. Only 40% of the 30% of federal workers on the front line say that they have the resources necessary to stay safe. Is the Federal government going to help or are the State, regions, and districts going to negotiate for what they need? We also have a piecemeal approach to bringing employees back to work.

The House of Representatives has offered several measures in support of workers, including additional sick leave for workers sick or exposed to the virus and up to 10 thousand dollars in premium for hazardous duty.

CALL TO ACTION: Another positive development is the progress of a Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) bill (H.R.141) in the House, which now has 245 sponsors. If that number reaches 290, then it must go to the whole House for a vote. Our representative is not yet on board as a co-sponsor. Give her a call to join the bandwagon.

NOTICE: Washington State Federation has a new website. The address is –

PROGRAM Chris Smith and Joanne Welch

Due to the COVID – 19 the Chapter Meetings are cancelled.


Washington State Federation (WSF) update: The WSF held a board meeting on Thursday, May 21st. During the meeting it was announced that the National FEDcom 2020 conference has been cancelled. Elections and bylaw changes will be voted on in August 2020.

The new WSFederation officers were sworn in, as follows: President, Steven Roy, Vice President, Mary Binder, Treasurer, Arlene Patton and Secretary, Linda Waller. A committee was formed to make recommendations regarding DVPs.


As we get out and about, we will have opportunities to interact with current and retired Federal employees. As a refresher, below are some tips for engaging in recruitment.

Recruitment happens in many locations. But what do you say?

The last thing you want to do is stumble after you have gotten someone's interest. That is why it is good to practice ahead of time, so that you can articulate NARFE as well as motivate your listener to want more information. The recent NARFE Recruitment and Retention magazine illustrates and elevator script that you can use or improve upon to make it your own.

1st Floor: Have you heard of NARFE . Its biggest goal is to protect our federal employee retirement and health benefits.

2nd Floor: It is not only for retirees. It is never too early to join and protect your future.

3rd Floor. About 1/3 of our members are active Federal employees. They see that their future is important and want it protected.

4th Floor. It is never too early to learn. Why fear retirement when you have an association like NARFE that will walk you through it and inform you of the unknowns?

5th Floor. Would you rather know what your retirement involves before you retire? Or would you rather wait for the surprise.

What else can I tell you? Oh yes, continue to be safe.


NARFE is really more than just a great magazine. Let them know!

Promote NARFE anytime you can. The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits and retirement!


NARFE-PAC MaryAnn Bosky

You can contribute to NARFE-PAC at our monthly meetings at Darcy’s or by completing the NARFE-PAC contribution form in the NARFE magazine. I will have pins for a $25 contribution at our meeting.

The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits/retirement. We are speaking to all members not just those retired.



Spokane Chapter 32’s new website has launched. You can view it at Please take a look and share your thoughts.

SUNSHINE Susan Harvey

Chapter 32 sends birthday and anniversary wishes to all who celebrated in May and upcoming June celebrations.

REMINDER, spouses can be members OR can take over the membership of a deceased member. If you are interested in continuing this valuable membership, please contact membership chair, Sandy Cook at 509-294-3296 or

If you become aware of good news, illnesses, surgeries, or a death of a member or family member, please contact me.

ALZHEIMER’S Pat Hegerberg

The Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) recently awarded $3.5 million to researchers developing early detection tests for Alzheimer’s. A portion of that award went to French company Amoneta Diagnostics for a promising blood test their researchers have been developing that could detect mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early Alzheimer’s disease.

Unlike other Alzheimer’s detection tests like a PET scan or lumbar puncture that look for a buildup of beta-amyloid plaques or tau, toxic proteins often found in Alzheimer’s patient’s brains, this test looks at ribonucleic acids (RNA) in the blood.

Preclinical studies have shown that the test is 100 percent accurate in detecting Alzheimer’s disease.

Olivier Danos, vice president of the executive board and scientific advisor of FIRALIS SA, the mother company of Amoneta Dianostics, speaking about the availability of tests for clinical use says that “We have prototypes we’ve been testing in the clinic on patient samples already, but the real product will take a couple of years to become available to the public."

Spokane Washington Chapter 32

PO Box 4592

Spokane, WA 99220

National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 32

NARFE on the Web: National: WSF: Spokane:


Candidate for

Valuable computer skills
Information sharer
Organizational skills

Paid for by the candidate
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Published Monthly except July and August

20 - 05 Advocates for Current and Former Federal Employees May 2020


Here we are still living with the consequences of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Governor Inslee may extend his Stay Home, Stay Healthy order after May 4. Virginia’s Governor also extended his stay-home order, which consequently means NARFE headquarters’ building will remain closed through June 10. However, FEDcon20 in Scottsdale, AZ is still scheduled to occur, and early registration was extended until May 1. Our chapter will not meet until Darcy’s will once again offer in-house dining. Therefore, we won’t see each other until after our normal summer break during July and August. Please stay tuned for details regarding our garage sale in July and rest-stop fundraiser in October. Therefore, I encourage everyone to read this newsletter and our chapter’s webpage for the latest, UpToDate information. Because most all of us are in the high-risk age group, we all should practice staying home, staying a safe distance, and frequently washing our hands to live a longer, healthy life. I hope to see all of you the next time we meet. Anyone with questions can either call (208-661-7695) or email me at

The 2020 election cycle for NARFE officers kicked off with candidate statements in the March issue of NARFE Magazine. Information on bylaws amendments and resolutions will follow in the June/July 2020 issue of NARFE Magazine, and the ballot will be included in the August 2020 issue. Members can review the candidate statements and get more information about the 2020 NARFE election timeline on the web at

We celebrate Public Service Recognition Week of May 3-9 to honor all public servants on social media.


Due to the present health situation all Meetings are cancelled until further notice.


Public Service

As we prepare to celebrate National Public Service Recognition week, my heart and esteem go out to those public servants who spoke truth to power as they carried out their constitutional duties. Their efforts were rewarded with humiliation and loss of jobs. Now, once again, public servants are being asked to serve on the front lines as the COVID-19 virus rages across the country. As I write this, I learned that a Federal vaccine doctor believes that he was ousted from his job for questioning the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine.

TSA screeners, VA nurses and doctors, postal workers, border patrol agents, security guards, and many others come in contact with the public in carrying out their duties and may be exposed to the virus. And, many workers use locker rooms and showers where person-to-person contact requirements cannot be followed. Workers have died.

The Government response to worker concerns has been mixed. The VA, for example, has required workers to continue working after exposure to the virus and until they have symptoms. Or else they are AWOL. The VA chief has acknowledged that there is a shortage of protective equipment for its hospital workers. On the other hand, strong efforts have been made to allow teleworking, where possible. There has also been discussion of bonuses for front-line workers and additional sick leave.

Now, there is strong pressure to return to normal and bring all employees back to work. Let us hope that this can be done safely. My concern is that in view of the administration’s abdication of leadership to the States, how will this situation work for national programs?

NOTICE: Washington State Federation has a new website. The address is –

PROGRAM Louise Soles

Who would have ever thought the world could get so upside down! Seems I have a tendency to want to be reclusive and it takes some effort talking myself into getting out and about and being social. Now I find myself lamenting the loneliness caused by "social distancing" and self-isolation. Sheesh. I do miss all my friends, but we all know that "This too shall pass". God willing, it be over soon.

Editor’s Note – Louise is stepping down as our Program Chair after many years of providing outstanding speakers for our Chapter Meetings. We want to wish Louise success in her future endeavors and hope to see her at our meetings, when they begin again.

President Scott Robinson is looking for a replacement for Louise, so if you are interested, or know someone, please contact Scott.


What started out with 14 people in 1921 grew to 491,000 in the mid-eighties. Since then it has dwindled somewhat, but the mission is still relevant.

Here is a copy of NARFE's mission statement:

NARFE Mission Statement:

• To support legislation beneficial to current and potential federal annuitants and to oppose legislation contrary to their interests.

• To promote the general welfare of current and potential federal annuitants by advising them with respect to their rights under retirement laws and regulations.

• To cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of these general objectives.

This mission is critical and timely as Congress and the administration consider unprecedented cuts to federal pay and benefits. Each new member strengthens the message to Congress and makes our national outreach stronger. It also shows NARFES resolve in maintaining a strong and effective federal workforce.

When you are talking to a possible member, let them know how long we have been in existence and give them an example of the impact NARFE has made for them, such as prevented impact to our Health Benefits and prevented Retirement, Pay and Benefit Cuts. I think they might be interested in preserving their retirement benefits, don’t you?

Let's build those numbers up again!

NARFE is really more than just a great magazine. Let them know!

Promote NARFE anytime you can. The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits and retirement!


NARFE-PAC MaryAnn Bosky

You can contribute to NARFE-PAC at our monthly meetings at Darcy’s or by completing the NARFE-PAC contribution form in the NARFE magazine. I will have pins for a $25 contribution at our meeting.

The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits/retirement. We are speaking to all members not just those retired.


With everything going on in the world, we have made the decision to postpone the Pre-Retirement Seminar until this Fall. If you are aware of anyone interested in attending, please let me know.

I heard from a friend that the Postal letter carriers were unable to purchase and sanitizer wipes. These wipes are needed to sanitize the vehicles before they start their day. Well, I came up with an idea to make these wipes. With the help of Sue Harvey, Mary Rohner, and Jodi Brugh, we made 40 containers of sanitizer wipes and distributed them to the carrier stations within the Spokane area. We also want to thank all our friends and family for their donations of plastic containers.

We hear thank you to all the medical, fire, police, etc. workers. However, we need to remember all those workers ensuring we receive our mail, packages, etc. They too are out daily helping to ensure there is some normalcy to our days.


Spokane Chapter 32’s new website has launched. You can view it at Please take a look and share your thoughts.

SUNSHINE Susan Harvey

STAY HOME (as much a possible), STAY SAFE, STAY WELL!

Breigh Soles, daughter-in-law of Louise Soles, received good news! After having cancer return, receiving immunotherapy, and six months later, her MRI shows one tumor left (it is shrinking) and her CT scan was clear!

Arlene Patton recently lost her youngest brother after a lengthy illness.

Chapter 32 sends birthday and anniversary wishes to all who celebrated in April and upcoming May celebrations.

REMINDER, spouses can be members OR can take over the membership of a deceased member. If you are interested in continuing this very valuable membership, please contact membership chair, Sandy Cook at 509-294-3296 or

If you become aware of good news, illnesses, surgeries, or a death of a member or family member, please contact me.

ALZHEIMER’S Pat Hegerberg

Covid-19 and the Brain

THE FIRST REPORTS of Covid-19 affecting the central nervous system appeared on the preprint server medRxiv in late February, posted by neurologists in Wuhan, China, where the outbreak started. Analyzing health records from 214 patients admitted to the Union Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the team found that 36.4 percent of those patients showed signs of nervous-system-related issues.

The most common symptoms they observed were muscle pain, headaches, dizziness, or confusion—which tend to manifest during any viral infection, especially in older people. In at least some of the patients, especially the ones with headaches, the neurological symptoms started days before a cough and fever set in.

The upshot? Doctors need to consider altered brain function as cause to test for SARS-CoV-2, in order to “avoid delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis and prevention of transmission,” the authors wrote in a peer-reviewed version of the study published Friday in the journal JAMA Neurology. Failure to recognize these early warning signs could result in patients being discharged and unknowingly exposing others to the virus, they wrote.

Spokane Washington Chapter 32

PO Box 4592

Spokane, WA 99220

National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 32

NARFE on the Web: National: WSF: Spokane:

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Published Monthly except July and August

20 - 04 Advocates for Current and Former Federal Employees April 2020


By now, you all have tuned your eyes and ears to various news media regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). Like most of you, my email inbox has become inundated with messages from AVISTA to vacation rentals about their responses to this contagious disease. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) released its own guidance documents and updates to keep Feds informed of policies and protocol. NARFE will share this information on its social media and platforms. However, its headquarters’ office is presently closed from March 17 to 31, which affects sharing of information and webinars. Because most of our membership is older than 60 years, COVID-19 is more likely to impact us. Because I do not wish for our membership to cross-pollinate the virus amongst ourselves, I decided to cancel our Board meeting on March 23 and our Membership meeting on April 13. Our meetings may remain cancelled until Darcey’s can once again serve in-house diners. I encouraged our executive board to expand their sharing of information with our Chapter 32 newsletter and webpage. For the immediate future, we will keep the membership informed through these two sources. Armed with knowledge and dedicated experience, I believe active and retired Feds will rise above any and all confusions. Anyone with questions regarding this matter can either call or email me,

PROGRAM Louise Soles

Who would have ever thought the world could get so upside down! Seems I have a tendency to want to be reclusive and it takes some effort talking myself into getting out and about and being social. Now I find myself lamenting the loneliness caused by "social distancing" and self-isolation. Sheesh. I do miss all my friends, but we all know that "This too shall pass". God willing, it be over soon.

Our March speaker was Reverend Ian Robertson. He is working hard to educate the public and elected officials on homelessness. He is trying to find funding through Public/Private Partnerships by: 1) funding homeownership; 2) Using excess land; and 3) Changing attitudes so that folks in need take responsibility to improve their lives. He is seeing progress in Ferry and Stevens counties, Walla Walla and Tri Cities. These community leaders are starting to change how they address affordable housing for the low-income and homeless populations. And he holds hope for Spokane. Rev. Ian stated that most of Spokane’s resources are focused on covering case management costs and he would like to see those resources used to provide affordable housing options instead. People Need an incentive to change and most government programs do not provide that incentive. He is also depending on the faith community to step up and help solve the problem of lack of affordable housing. (Thanks to Arlene Patton for taking notes for me. I was fortunate enough to be in Las Vegas for the WCC Basketball Tournament - and got to see Gonzaga win the conference!)

As you know, we will not hold a April meeting. I had to call Joe Guarisco, retired illustrator and publisher for the USDA Forest Service, to cancel his presentation. He was certainly understanding. I am holding out hope that we will be meeting in May and June. Praying for the health of our country and the world. Take care. And God bless those Federal Employees who continue to work at their jobs and serve our country.


Due to the present health situation all Meetings are cancelled.


Washington State Federation (WSF) update: The Washington State Federation conference, planned for May 19-21, 2020 in Lynnwood, WA, has been cancelled. The hotel returned the deposit fee to WSF. Members who submitted their registration fee, that fee will be returned. If you made hotel reservations, please call and cancel those reservations.

The WSF April 9th board meeting will be conducted by “GoToMeeting”. We used the system for a special meeting on March 20th and it worked just fine. Maybe this will replace the need to travel to Seattle for quarterly meeting.



When will Federal employees gain the respect from their leaders and the public that they so rightly have earned?

Solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic will be led by government laboratories and Federal scientists. Employees in Federal offices and airports like the Social Security Administration, The TSA, and first responders continue to work on the front lines ensuring that the publics concerns are addressed during this crisis. Federal employees worked through the government shutdown without pay and not knowing if they would get paid. Federal employees risked their safety and jobs to speak the truth under political pressure and do their jobs in keeping with their constitutional duties. And some were rewarded with losing their jobs. They are civil servants, not bureaucrats.

What faces the Federal community now is the President’s FY2021 Budget proposal which calls for substantial cuts to the earned benefits of Federal employees and retirees. We deserve better treatment.

NOTICE: Washington State Federation has a new website. The address is


Recruitment tips for all members.

NARFE is a great organization and adds value to all Federal Employees life whether they are retired or still working. They might not know about it, though and this is where you come in.

1. Keep a membership application handy. (in your car, purse, wallet or even your back packet.) If you need some, you can pull them from the NARFE website.

2. Stress NARFE's value. The cost of membership is $40 dollars, but what they could lose is worth far more that. For most current and retired Federal Employees , their retirement and health care benefits are among the most valuable assets they possess.

3. Tell them about NARFE's achievements. White House FY21 proposed budget calls for billions in cuts from Feds taking aim at the earned benefits of federal employees and retirees. NARFE works diligently to protect Federal employee interests

3. Give them a old NARFE magazine, and show the question and answer section. It is one of our best-selling points.

4. Share why you personally find value in belonging.

5. Finally, don't forget to ask them to join us!

Please be safe during these tiring times.

Have a great April!

NARFE is really more than just a great magazine. Let them know!

Promote NARFE anytime you can. The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits and retirement!


NARFE-PAC MaryAnn Bosky

You can contribute to NARFE-PAC at our monthly meetings at Darcy’s or by completing the NARFE-PAC contribution form in the NARFE magazine. I will have pins for a $25 contribution at our meeting.

The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits/retirement. We are speaking to all members not just those retired.


With everything going on in the world, we have made the decision to postpone the Pre-Retirement Seminar until this Fall. If you are aware of anyone interested in attending, please let me know.

Spokane Chapter 32’s new website has launched. You can view it at Please take a look and share your thoughts.

SUNSHINE Susan Harvey

I have few words for our new daily life. Stay home, stay safe, stay well!

When our Chapter lost Lester Ames, we were told a memorial service would be held. His family had it set for late March; it has now been postponed until a date in the future.

Margie and Mike Dennis recently lost his sister. She had been ill a major part of her life. Wanda Faulkner’s partner, Wilma, has been hospitalized and then in rehab.

Chapter 32 sends birthday and anniversary wishes to all who celebrated in March and upcoming April celebrations.

REMINDER, spouses can be members OR can take over the membership of a deceased member. If you are interested in continuing this very valuable membership, please contact membership chair, Sandy Cook at 509-294-3296 or

If you become aware of good news, illnesses, surgeries, or a death of a member or family member, please contact me.

ALZHEIMER’S Pat Hegerberg

Very old rhesus monkeys exhibit similar patterns of brain pathology as human Alzheimer’s patients, researchers report in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association.

Researchers at Yale, collaborating with those at Boston University and the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, examined brain samples from tissue banks of monkeys that had reached extreme age, and observed neurofibrillary tangles forming in the same types of neurons as seen in humans.

Researchers have been hampered in studying this more common, late-onset form of Alzheimer’s, a condition impossible to model in mice.

“This new information may provide novel therapeutic strategies to protect against early stages of degeneration, and thus decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease,” added senior author, Amy Arnsten, professor of neuroscience.

Primary funding for the research comes from the National Institutes of Health. Bill Hathaway:

Spokane Washington Chapter 32

PO Box 4592

Spokane, WA 99220

National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 32

NARFE on the Web: National: WSF: Spokane:

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