Welcome NARFE Spokane Members
Here's where you can find all of the information you need for meetings, events and general information.
Why Should I Join NARFE?
NARFE Elevator Speech
An elevator speech is simply a quick overview about NARFE and the value of membership presented to potential members. It could be a chance encounter or a phone conversation or....
What is NARFE?
NARFE is the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. It is the only organization solely dedicated to protecting and preserving the pay and benefits of all federal workers, retirees, and spouses.
NARE has two primary roles:
Your Legislative Voice. In-house, influential lobbyists advocate on Capitol Hill on behalf of the federal community.
Your Information Resource. NARFE provides clear information and trusted guidance on complex federal benefits issues.
As a member of NARFE, you receive:
NARFE Magazine and our weekly e-news brief, Newsline - your best sources for the latest news and information on issues that affect federal employees and retirees.
Access to a team of federal benefits specialists for answers to complex benefits questions
Exclusive access to webinars and online resources to help you take full advantage of your federal benefits
Legislative alerts on issues that impact the federal community. NARFE's online Legislative Action Center gives you easy access to your member of Congress
Member-only discounts through NARFE Perks Program on many products and services
NARFE members are eligible for disaster relief grants and family members may qualify for college scholarships
"Why Should I Join?"
As a NARFE member, you'll have access to resources and information that can help you save money, maximize the return from your financial plans, and ultimately get the most out of all your federal benefits. NARFE experts answer your complex pay and benefit questions, NARFE Perks partners give you discounts on important service, and NARFE works tirelessly to protect your earned pay and benefits.
Ways to contribute to the Spokane Chapter...
Attend monthly meetings; invite a friend.
Volunteer to be a Board Member or Chair. Currently, the chapter needs a program chair, a membership chair, and Alzheimer's chair.
Check out our events page and ask how you can participate. There's an upcoming retirement seminar, a yard sale in the summer, a booth at the State Fair, presence at the Alzheimer's Walk in October, and more.
Write an email or letter to your representatives in Congress about protecting earned benefits and promoting legislation that recognizes the contributions of current and retired federal employees.
Member Information
General Meetings
Our meetings are on the second Monday of each month (except July + August) at Darcy's Restaurant, 10502 East Sprague, Spokane Valley.
We lunch at 11:30am and our program begins around 12:15pm.
Board Meetings
Board meetings are held on the 4th Monday of every other month January - May, then October - December. The meetings are held at Perkins Restaurant Downtown, 12 E Olive Avenue, starting at 9:00 am.
Chapter members are encouraged to attend to learn more about the chapter.
Contact Information
Call: 509.747.1589
Email: NARFE0032@gmail.com
Service Center Information
Spokane WA Chapter 32
PO Box 4592
Spokane, WA 99220