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NARFE Spokane Chapter 32 Logo (blue, red) Federal Benefits Experts


Welcome to Spokane NARFE Chapter 32.


The NARFE Spokane chapter is one of 800 chapters of the national NARFE organization in Alexandria, Virginia, and one of 16 chapters in Washington State. While the Spokane NARFE Chapter has interests in Spokane (as well as national),  the Washington State Federation represents issues affecting all chapter members in the state and acts as a conduit to state officials, legislators, dignitaries, and other entities.


The Spokane chapter's mission reflects that of the state and national NARFE organizations. Chapter 32 provides meetings, events, and fundraisers in the community of Spokane. You can keep up with program information on our website and through our email newsletter. Our current and past newsletters are posted for your convenience.


Visit click here for a map of the chapters in Washington State and click here to find a chapter anywhere in the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Panama.






Communicating up-to-date information.
Protecting your earned income rights.

The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the earned pay, retirement and health care benefits of federal employees, retirees and their survivors. Founded in 1921, NARFE‘s legacy spans more than 100 years – working tirelessly in support of our members before the Office of Personnel Management, members of Congress, and the White House.

NARFE Mission Statement:

  • To support legislation beneficial to current and potential federal annuitants and to oppose legislation contrary to their interests.

  • To promote the general welfare of current and potential federal annuitants by advising them with respect to their rights under retirement laws and regulations.

  • To cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of these general objectives.


NARFE's mission is both critical and timely as Congress and the administration consider unprecedented cuts to federal pay and benefits. Each new member strengthens our message to Congress, fortifies our national outreach, and demonstrates their dedication to maintaining a strong and effective federal workforce.

 JOIN NOW Preserve your earned rights and benefits, and activate your member privileges.


  • CLICK HERE for details on NARFE’s legislative Priorities.

  • CLICK HERE for NARFE’s current Legislative Program.



Have questions or need additional information? Let us know. We're happy to help.


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