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Writer's pictureSpokane NARFE

Standing Rules for Chapter 32




NARFE’s Mission Statement

· To support legislation beneficial to current and potential federal annuitants and to oppose legislation contrary to their interests.

· To promote the general welfare of current and potential federal annuitants by advising them with respect to their rights under retirement laws and regulations.

· To cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of these objectives.


These Standing Rules are designed to provide guidelines for the conduct of business and operations of Spokane Chapter 32 (to be referred to as “Chapter”) of the National Active and Retired Federation Employees Association (NARFE).

NARFE is a nonprofit 501 (C) 5 nonpartisan membership association.


Regular Chapter meetings are held on the second Monday of each month (except July & August) at Darcy’s Restaurant, Spokane Valley, starting at 11:30am with social time. Program starts at 12:00 followed by a business meeting. The Chapter’s annual meeting will normally be the regularly schedule November Chapter meeting.

Board meetings are held on the fourth Monday, every other month, at the Corbin Senior Center or other designated locations, starting a 9:30am. Officers, Directors and Committee chairs are encouraged to attend. Members are welcome to attend.


Officers: The Officers of Chapter 32 shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Officers shall be voting members duly elected at a regularly scheduled Chapter meeting, after being nominated by the nominating committee or from the floor. Officers shall be elected by ballot, or voice vote determined by procedures, to serve for a two (2) year term beginning on January 1st of the calendar year, following the election. Terms of elected officers shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) consecutive two-year terms. An officer who has held office for two consecutive elected terms is eligible to return to the office after an absence of a term. The duties and responsibilities of the Officers are those set forth in Chapter & Federation Officers Manual F-10.

Directors: Chapter 32’s executive committee includes elected Directors (odd number 5-7-9), Directors are elected for a three-year rotating term, without term limits.

Committee Chair positions are an excellent means to learn skills for a future leadership position. Committee Chairs are appointed by the President and encouraged to attend Board meetings.

Restrictive Activities

The use of membership dues to make donations to charitable organizations is NOT ALLOWED.

NARFE-PAC donations should be handled separate and not comingled with dues funds. Donations to NARFE-PAC should be handled by the NARFE-PAC chair and sent direct to National.


Chapter dues are $8.00 per year unless changed by the Executive Board and ratified by the membership in accordance with Bylaws.

Pre-Retirement Seminars have been offered to the Federal community/workforce since 2010.

Goals of the seminars are as follows: 1) provide needed information to federal workers, 2) make NARFE known in the federal community, 3) provide revenue to the Chapter for leadership development, and 4) recruit members to the Chapter.

In years when members attend National and State conventions/conferences $2,000.00 of seminar funds are transferred to the general fund account to offset the cost of leadership development.

Fund Raising Activities:

Chapter 32 is currently involved in two annual fundraising activities: Sprague Rest Stop and a Garage Sale. Proceeds are deposited in the general fund account and used to help offset chapter expenses.

Ten (10) percent of all fundraising proceeds will be donated annually to NARFE Alzheimer Research.

Split-the-pot State procedures must be followed.

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