Published Monthly except July and August
20 - 07 Advocates for Current and Former Federal Employees September 2020 September Chapter Meeting is scheduled for Monday Sept. 14, 2020 at 11:30 AM. We will be using ZOOM to hold the meeting.
To join the ZOOM Meeting, you can either call +1-253-215-8782
and enter the Meeting ID - 875 6781 7830 and Passcode - 330092.
OR you can click on this link:
Wow! Who would have thought back in March that we would still be living with consequences of the COVID-19 virus in September?
Your Board recently met via Zoom for the first time since December. I enjoyed seeing everyone’s face and hearing their voice. As much as we would like to reconvene face-to-face meetings, the governor’s Safe Start plan continues to restrict social gatherings to five people or ten when Spokane County advances to Phase 3.
Hence, we will try a general membership meeting via Zoom for September 14th at 11:30. For those of you who do not have a web camera, you can still join us with audio only. Therefore, mark your calendars, details are in this newsletter, under ZOOM.
Some of us fear that this method of conducting social business has become the new normal. In addition to our magazine, NARFE headquarters offers webinars for us to learn about our earned benefits and successful living in retirement. You can go to www.narfe.org for the latest offerings.
Spokane Chapter 32 has hosted free coffee and cookies at the Sprague Lake Rest Stop along Interstate 90 for several years. This event has been a major fund raiser, in addition to our annual garage sale, for our chapter. Unfortunately, both events have been cancelled this year. Fortunately, the Chapter has not spent much money.
Sandy Cook has stepped away from the Membership Chair position. We are consequently looking for her replacement. Could that person, be you? Please call me at 208-661-7695 or email me at scottsoriole@q.com if you are interested in becoming a more active member.
September Chapter Meeting is scheduled for Monday Sept. 14, 2020 at 11:30 AM. We will be using ZOOM to hold the meeting.
To join the ZOOM Meeting, you can either call +1-253-215-8782
and enter the Meeting ID - 875 6781 7830 and Passcode - 330092.
OR you can click on this link:
LEGISLATION Roger Bosky** ** Kathy Brooks on what's happening with the US Postal Service
Roger has asked that I write an article for this month’s newsletter because of what is happening within the Postal Service. I worked for the USPS for 40 years. During that time, I saw many changes, the biggest being from the US Post Office Department, a true government agency, to the USPS. Prior to 1971, the Postmaster General was a member of the President’s Cabinet. Not anymore.
There is a lot of talk about “vote by mail”. We in Washington State have been voting by mail for a number of years and it seems to work fine. In fact, several retired USPS employees, me included, serve as extra elections help. What we have seen while working at the elections Office ensures us that the security of the voting system is better than on-sight voting. But that is not the real issue.
The real issue is reducing the USPS’ ability to process mail timely
and it is impacting every person in our country.
Retired Gov’t employees receive their medications via the mail, as do most veterans. Some of these medications are shipped with ice packs to preserve the meds. If they are NOT delivered timely, the meds are useless.
Small businesses utilize the USPS to ship, and receive goods daily, again, delaying the mail impacts them.
Finally, many customers of the USPS DO NOT use the internet to receive, pay or track their monthly bills. If the checks or bills are delayed in the mail stream, customers can incur increase costs for late fees.
Please, step away from the “vote by mail” argument and fight for all the customers, individuals, and small businesses, which rely on the USPS daily. They are the real victims of reduction in service implemented by the new Postmaster General.
PROGRAM Chris Smith and Joanne Welch
Just a quick note from the co-chairs for membership programs. What a year to try to schedule programs! It was decided in our NARFE Chapter Board Meeting on August 24 that until there is a dramatic decrease in COVID-19 cases and accompanying guidance from the powers that be (Inslee and Lutz), we will be connecting with members via Zoom. One of the board members has a membership, so life is good. It’s a new world and we are curious how many of our membership will be involved.
In that regard, we are looking forward to the first Zoom meeting on September 14th to get things started. Deeper into fall, we will be having a speaker on October 12th from WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine; the topic will be CoVid-19 and vaccinations. Our November speaker is scheduled to be Ann Ozuna, "the Retirement Lady”, speaking about next year’s federal health benefits, just in time for Open Season. Our programs will begin at 11:30, but obviously without a catered lunch, so the speaker will be first on the agenda after the pledge and some brief introductory remarks.
Chris and I are gathering topics and speakers for future meetings and we would like your input. What topics are you interested in for our meetings? Do you know of a good speaker who might address some aspect of our mission? Drop us a note at oredont@icloud.com or call 907-350-9866 with any ideas. Thanks to Louise Soles for all her help in sharing past contacts!
Washington State Federation (WSF) update: The WSF continues to hold their Board meetings electronically.
In addition to regular business the WSF formed a “Redistricting Committee”. With the decrease of WSF Chapters to 16 and more and more business being handled electronically it is time to look at redistricting. The current proposal is to reduce the number of districts from 5 to 3. The reduction from 5 to 3: One district covering the 6 Chapters in Eastern Washington. A district covering the 5 Chapters from Seattle North and a District covering the Olympic peninsula Chapters and Vancouver. Each District VP will be encouraged to work with an assistant.
The proposal will be presented to the WSF Board at their Sept. 30th Board meeting. Changes in redistricting requires the vote of the WSF membership and a change to the bylaws and standing roles.
Wow! What a year this has been! 2020 will be one for the history books.
Membership is under fire from the effects of the COVID virus like we have never experienced. When we think about membership it has become more an issue of maintaining membership interest than an issue of recruitment, we all miss being able to gather together to socialize as well as keep current on events and issues that affect Federal retirees.
When we are again allowed to meet take the opportunity to reach out to fellow members and remind them how valuable they are to NARFE. Without our membership we have no voice to support and protect our rights and benefits.
As a retired Postal employee, I am particularly alarmed that the USPS in under fire not just by COVID but by our own President. During a time in this country when the American public should be assured of reliable universal service, he seeks to undermine the very foundation of the organization.
Retention and recruitment have never been more important
to ensuring the voice of the Federal employee is heard.
Guard your health, peace of mind and have faith that things will get better.
NARFE is really more than just a great magazine. Let them know!
Promote NARFE anytime you can. The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits and retirement!
NARFE-PAC MaryAnn Bosky
You can contribute to NARFE-PAC at our monthly meetings at Darcy’s or by completing the NARFE-PAC contribution form in the NARFE magazine. I will have pins for a $25 contribution at our meeting.
The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits/retirement. We are speaking to all members not just those retired.
SUNSHINE Susan Harvey
Chapter 32 sends birthday and anniversary wishes to all who celebrated in May and upcoming June celebrations.
Sue has been busy at the Elections Office and will be providing an article for next month.
If you become aware of good news, illnesses, surgeries, or a death of a member or family member, please contact me.
ALZHEIMER’S Pat Hegerberg
You can choose to lower your risk of Alzheimer’s
In a study just published in the prestigious journal Neurology, 8/2020, researchers combined data from two different populations for a total of close to 2,000 adult individuals followed for approximately 6 years. Healthy lifestyle metrics that were followed in these participants included nonsmoking, moderate to vigorous physical activity, a high-quality Mediterranean-type diet, light to moderate alcohol consumption, and engagement in late-life cognitive activities. The degree of participation in each of these activities was ultimately compared to risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.
The results of the research were absolutely worth writing home about. Compared with individuals who scored positive on only 0 or 1 healthy lifestyle factors, those who chose to live their lives such that they had 2 or 3 of the healthy lifestyle parameters had a 37% decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. In those with 4 or 5 of the healthy lifestyle factors listed above, the risk of Alzheimer’s developing during the study was reduced by a dramatic 60%!
Due to meetings cancelations, contributions to Alzheimer’s research are down. Please consider donating via the U.S. mail. Send your checks to NARFE, PO.Box 4592, Spokane WA 99220. Make checks payable to NARFE #32 + designate Alzheimer’s on the memo line. Thanks for your contributions to support ongoing research of this devastating disease.
Spokane Washington Chapter 32
PO Box 4592
Spokane, WA 99220
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 32
NARFE on the Web: National: www.narfe.org WSF: www.narfewa.org Spokane: www.narfespokane.org