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October 2023


Current President Scott  Robinson cuts cake with past presidents
Current Secretary Arlene Patton (left) and President Scott Robinson (center) cut a celebratory cake with past officers of NARFE Chapter 0032

I had a previous telephone conversation with a national member who wanted to join Spokane Chapter. Mark said that a Tri-Cities Chapter member told him that Spokane Chapter was closing and, therefore, Mark should join the Tri-Cities Chapter. I’m here, today, to say that Spokane Chapter is not closing and has never talked about closing. Our chapter recently celebrated 73 years and plans to continue into future years.

I suggested a couple of years ago that you prepare an Emergency Evacuation Plan for your home in the event of a natural disaster. The Gray and Oregon Road fires burnt nearly 21,000 acres and 710 structures in August of this year. Both fires were among the worst natural disasters in the Inland Northwest, especially since Firestorm ’91. I hope none of you were affected by either of these fires. They are reminders that you don’t want to think about this or that when the Deputy Sheriff comes knocking at your door and says, “You MUST leave now.” Your plan should be one page in length with items listed in bullet format. If you have not prepared your plan in the past couple of years, then I encourage you to do so now.

Please call me at 208-661-7695 or email me at if you have any questions regarding Spokane Chapter 32.

ALZHEIMER’S (vacant Chairperson)

Caregivers may be tasked with many responsibilities that reduce good care of themselves. However, the best thing caregivers can do is stay physically and emotionally strong. If you are a caregiver, then Alzheimer’s Association suggests

(1) visit your physician regularly (at least annually), and listen to what your body is telling you; (2) exercise to remain physically healthy;

(3) eat a heart-healthy diet with little red meat but emphasizes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, olive oil and other healthy fats; and

(4) five tips to help with coping: (a) manage stress, (b) be realistic, (c) know you're doing your best, (d) take breaks, and (e) accept changes. (Source: 09/23/2023).

Spokane Chapter is recruiting an Alzheimer’s Chairperson. If you are interested in sharing your learned knowledge with the group, then please contact any Officer or Director. With no chairperson, a village is needed to share information with our group.

Photo of Todd Studebaker
Todd Studebaker will talk about Long Term Care at the October 9 Member Meeting - photo courtesy of New Generation Strategies

PROGRAM (vacant Chairperson)

If you missed our September meeting, then I encourage you to go to to read about our guest speaker, Cray Henry, who is President of NARFE Washington State Federation. We also celebrated Spokane Chapter’s 73rd year with cake.

Todd Studebaker, friend of Dennis Poppe, will talk to us in October about Long Term Care. Ann Ozuna will present her annual review of Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) in November, and we will celebrate the holidays during December. Please join us in January 2024 when Robert “Bob” Bartlett, PhD, will share his research of the 555th Parachute Infantry Company, aka Triple Nickles” (their spelling) with us. We will invite Candice Correa, PhD, to return in February to share her latest tax information for federal employees.


Lunch at 11:30/Meeting at 12:15

Darcy’s Restaurant 10502 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley

PRESENTER – Todd Studebaker – Long Term Care

The ZOOM information is:

Meeting ID: 846 9246 3195 Passcode: 137652 +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Spokane Chapter is recruiting a Program Chairperson. If you are interested in sharing your learned knowledge with the group, please contact any Officer or Director.


The Chapter is looking for a Membership Chair. If you are interested, please contact any of the Officers or Directors. Come be a part of a great group of people fighting for your benefits.

NARFE PAC (Vacant Chairperson)

NARFE-PAC protects your pay and benefits by raising and spending money to elect members of Congress who support the federal community. The PAC works for you by building strong relationships with lawmakers and providing NARFE with additional opportunities to share our most pressing concerns. NARFE-PAC is financed through your direct, voluntary contributions to a separate fund. Federal law prohibits NARFE-PAC from soliciting contributions from anyone other than NARFE members and the immediate family of these individuals. Any contribution received from any other person will be returned to the contributor. (source

You can contribute to NARFE – PAC using the contribution form found in the monthly NARFE Magazine or by sending a check made out to NARFE – PAC, to our Post Office Box. The address is: NARFE, PO Box 4592, Spokane, WA 99220.


My wish was that I could report a resolution to the government shut down was reached, however, we have a temporary resolution.

On the positive side, HR82 (Government Pension Offset - Windfall Elimination Provision) now has 294 co-sponsors, meaning that there’s a better chance for the bill to be passed. However, the House Republicans seem focused on reducing the budget, rather than healing harms. There are also a few other GPO/WEP bills in the House dealing with the issue in other ways.

The President has proposed a 5.2% pay raise for Federal employees, and it looks like retirees will get a 3.3 % cost of living increase. This morning OPM announced that our health benefits will increase, on average, 7.7%, only 1% lower than last year’s 8.7%.


Chapter 32’s membership remains solid. To date there is a total of 455 members (225 Chapter and 220 national only). A special thanks to those members that promptly renewed their membership. However, we need to take every opportunity to recruit new members. The upcoming 2023 Federal health benefit fairs are always an opportunity to solicit new members. The schedule of the local health fairs will be listed below soon.

During our September 11th Chapter meeting and 73rd year-of-service celebration, three members were recognized for the valuable service they have provided to the Chapter. Those presented with a “Citation for Distinguished Service” were:

  • Lois Pace – joined NARFE 12/1/1981 – a 42-year NARFE and Chapter 32 member. Lois served as an officer and on many Chapter committees. She and her husband Dwight were also very supportive of the Federation. In 1999 Lois and Dwight recognized the need for NARFE to connect more with the community and the federal workforce. Recognizing that need, they created the Pre-Retirement Seminar training sessions. This annual event helps the Chapter to raise funds, dedicated to off-set leadership development costs and is a great recruitment opportunity.

  • Harry Lippencott – joined NARFE 11/18/1999 – a 24-year NARFE and Chapter 32 member. Harry has been a “behind the scenes” active member for several years. His assistance with the monthly newsletter and other published information is invaluable.

  • Phillip Moyle – joined NARFE om 12/22/1999 – a 24-year NARFE and Chapter 32 member. Phil served as an officer, director and provided valuable assistance during Washington State Federation conferences hosted by Chapter 32 and held in Spokane. He also helped coordinate the required annual audits of Chapter 32’s financial records.

Also, revised Chapter 32 Bylaws were approved to go forward to the Chapter members. The final vote on the revised bylaws will go before the full membership during the October 9th meeting. The proposed bylaws are posted on the Chapters website under Members, then Documents and Social Media. Please review and be prepared to vote.

Contact Information: Email or call 509-747-1589

WEBSITE Chris Smith

Please contact me at if you find any errors or have any pictures or pertinent articles that may be of interest to members via the website.

SUNSHINE Susan Harvey

Autumn greetings from Ohio. The leaves are changing in Ohio, in the Washington Cascades, and along the Oregon Coast. Now is the time to winterize your gardens, homes, and ourselves.

Happy Birthday and Anniversary wishes to our October celebrants.

The following members have been added to the Headquarters Memorial Roll for our Chapter: Catherine Worstell, Terry Willson, Mary Hansen, June Dittmer, Virla Steffen, Jack Springer, William Selzer, Ellen Macnamara, Howard Platter. Many condolences to their families.

Scott Robinson is continuing the search for several committee chairs. Contact him if you are a member interested in serving our Chapter. REMINDER, spouses can be members on their own OR can take over the membership of a deceased member.

If you become aware of good news, illnesses, surgeries, or a death of a member or family member, please contact me at 509-953-6828.


We are looking for ways to reach active employees of the government agencies in our area. If you have ideas, please share them with us.

NARFE is more than just a great magazine. Let them know! Promote NARFE anytime you can. The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits and retirement!


Spokane Washington Chapter 32 PO Box 4592 Spokane, WA 99220



National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 32

NARFE on the Web: National: WSF:

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