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October 2022

Writer's picture: Spokane NARFESpokane NARFE


Spokane Chapter has successfully met in-person for the past year at Darcy’s Restaurant. Our number of attendees has fallen because of the COVID pandemic. However, we continued to enjoy one another’s friendship and guest speakers. Ruth Gifford will talk to us this month about the Dishman Hill’s Conservancy. I hope to see you there.

I extend congratulations to Washington Federation President Steven Roy for his election to Region IX Vice-president. On another election note, Spokane Chapter’s Board has four Officers and nine Members-at-large. The officers have another year of their terms, but three members-at-large will expire December 31. Consequently, we will nominate candidates to be elected during our November meeting and installed in December.

In April, I reported to you about a conversation that I had with one of our Chapter members. He informed OPM about his wife’s recent passing but had no response from OPM. Although I could not help him, I offered two pieces of advice when communicating with any government agency. One, secure a return receipt with the US Postal Service and two, retain a boat load of patience. I wish to share my personal experience with the IRS regarding our 2021 taxes. Yes, I received a return receipt showing its delivery, and nineteen weeks passed between its delivery date and the direct deposit into my bank account. Moreover, the IRS paid interest due to its lateness.

Although the final numbers have not been published as of this writing, we anticipate a COLA of about 8.6%.

Please call me at 208-661-7695 or email me at if you have any questions regarding Spokane Chapter 32.

ALZHEIMER’S (vacant Chairperson)

Joel Loiacono talked about Alzheimer’s research during our September meeting. He said that several different risk factors contribute to dementia. The Washington Post recently reported (09/16/2022) that researchers found for every 1,000 seniors with covid-19, seven will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease within a year. They examined electronic health records of more than 6 million Americans over age 65 from almost 70 health care centers across the country. This study is not conclusive cause-and-effect but adds to the growing body of work suggesting a relationship between the two. People should remember that diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is not necessarily confirmation of the disease. The Washington Post also recently reported (see Spokesman Review, 09/29/2022) that a new experimental drug slowed cognitive and functional decline by 27% in a clinical trial of almost 1,800 patients with mild cognitive impairment caused by the disease. The drug, called Lecanemab, reduces abnormal clumps of beta amyloid, which is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s. Japanese drug maker, Eisai, and its American partner, Biogen, are awaiting approval by the FDA. Spokane Chapter is recruiting an Alzheimer’s Chairperson. If you are interested in sharing your learned knowledge with the group, then please contact any Officer or Director. With no chairperson, a village is needed to share information with our group. To make a tax-deductible donation to the NARFE Alzheimer Research fund please make your check payable to “NARFE Alzheimer’s Research”, write Spokane-Chapter 32 on the notation line, and mail to:

Lorie Bennett WSF Alzheimer’s Coordinator

4310 S. Kingwood Street

Kennewick, WA. 99337-5706

PROGRAM (vacant Chairperson)

The Fall line-up for our guest speakers include (1) Ruth Gifford talking about the Dishman Hills Conservation Area in October and (2) Ann Ozuna talking about anticipated health benefits in November. Whitworth professor Candice Correia will talk about taxes in February 2023. Spokane Chapter is also recruiting a Program Chairperson. If you are interested in sharing speakers with our group, then please contact any Officer or Director. With no chairperson, a village is needed to find guest speakers for our membership meetings.

NARFE – PAC MaryAnn Bosky

You can contribute to NARFE – PAC using the contribution form found in the monthly NARFE Magazine or by sending a check, made out to NARFE – PAC, to our Post Office Box. The address is: NARFE, PO Box 4592, Spokane, WA 99220. SPOKANE SERVICE CENTER 509-624-9465


HR 82 , the Government Pension Offset ( GPO ) and Windfall Elimination Provision ( WEP ) continues at a snail’s pace through Congress. It now has 303 cosponsors and was put on the consensus calendar and then on the union calendar. My civics class never covered such an arcane process. Now there is only a slight chance that it will come to the full House for a vote. And it still faces the Senate.

NARFE has worked hard for this measure which reduces the benefits of almost 2 million retirees. This is the farthest that this or similar bills have gone. Keep nudging Congress on this one.

Next year for the first time in a long while premiums for Medicare Part B coverage will be reduced. Remarkable, since we are now living with inflation. Most people will pay $164.90 monthly, a reduction $5.20.

Today the Senate passed a continuing resolution to ensure that the government can continue paying its bills beyond September 30. The bill is expected to pass in the House before the deadline.

The open season for health benefits will begin on November 14 and end December 12. If you think that there might be some changes you want to make, be sure that you can access your account


2022 Washington State Federation (WSF) Annual Meeting and Biennial Conference will be held Virtuality October 11-13, 2022. Agenda and zoom links can be found on the WSF webpage: breakout sessions and election of district vice-presidents will take place on October 12th @ 2:15pm. Is important we have a voice in who will serve as District IVP.

Membership Report:

Over the last 60 days (August 1-September 27th) the M-112 activity report shows the following: Chapter 32 gained one new member: Robert J. Palmquist, welcome to Chapter 32. We also had 5 members transfer from Chapter 856, Columbia Basin, which is now closed. Hope those f individuals will get involved with Chapter 32. One member, Robert (Bob) Elmore passed away. Bob will be missed as he was always supportive of the Chapter and the WSFederation. A special thanks to all Chapter members that renewed their membership. As of September 27th, we had 244 Chapter members, 204 National Only members for a total of 448 members.

Federal Health Fairs Schedule: October 25-28, 2022

Tuesday, Oct. 25th 9:00-10:30 AM – BPA, 2410 E Hawthorne Rd., Mead Tuesday, Oct 25th 11:00-12:00 PM – DHS-CBP 10710 N. Newport Hwy Tuesday, Oct 25th 2:00-3:00 PM NIOSH/CDC. 315 E Montgomery Wed. Oct 26th 9:30-11:30 AM – Spokane Court House, 920 W Riverside Wed, Oct 26th 3:30 – 5:00 PM and 7:00-8:00 PM – USPS P&D, 2450 E. Spotted Road, Spokane Thursday, October 26th 11:30-2:-- PM – Fairchild AFB, 7 West Arnold Street, Room 19, Education Center, Fairchild AFB

NARFE is more than just a great magazine. Let them know! Promote NARFE anytime you can. The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits and retirement! NARFE = YOUR BEST BET FOR THE FUTURE! DATE FOR YOUR CALENDAR



The Chapter is looking for a Membership Chair. If you are interested, please contact any of the Officers or Directors. Come be a part of a great group of people fighting for your benefits.

SUNSHINE Susan Harvey

Happy Autumn to Everyone! As the days grow shorter, the leaves change, and we anticipate the coming winter, we all need to STAY SAFE and STAY WELL!

Chapter 32 sends birthday and anniversary wishes to all who celebrated in October.

It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Bob Elmore after his health declined suddenly. Bob gave many years of service to our Chapter as a Committee Chair for the Rest Area fundraisers, attending Chapter and Federation meetings and events, as a Board Member, and, I am sure, many other duties before I became a member. At the 2022 Garage Sale, several of us mentioned Bob, since he was always present, and was missed. His wife, Beverly, remains a member.

REMINDER, spouses can be members OR can take over the membership of a deceased member. If you are interested in continuing this very valuable membership, please contact Scott Robinson. He is currently recruiting for a Membership Chair. If you are interested in this important position, please contact him. If you become aware of good news, illnesses, surgeries, or a death of a member or family member, please contact me.


We are hoping we will be able to provide future retirees with a Pre-Retirement Seminar this coming Spring. Be on the lookout for more information.

Spokane Washington Chapter 32 PO Box 4592 Spokane, WA 99220 National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 32 NARFE on the Web: National: WSF: Spokane:

Print version of this month's newsletter


MONDAY October 10, 2022 Lunch at 11:30/

Presentation at 12:15 at Darcy’s Restaurant 10502 E. Sprague Ave.

PRESENTER: Ruth Gifford – Dishman Hills Conservation Area

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