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May 2021

Writer's picture: Spokane NARFESpokane NARFE


Published Monthly except July and August

21 – 05 Advocates for Current and Former Federal Employees May 2021


NARFE's virtual legislative training conference (aka LEGcon21) will be held June 21-23. It will offer critical advocacy training, insight from NARFE experts and lawmakers about the status of our legislative priorities, and an opportunity for you to use new skills in virtual meetings with our elected representatives. Additionally, the Centennial Gala will be the evening of June 21, and will celebrate NARFE's century of service to the federal community.

During the week of May 2-8, public servants across the country will be recognized for their commitment to ensure our government fulfills the needs of all Americans and keeps the country moving forward in these unprecedented times. During Public Service Recognition Week, NARFE proudly joins other government organizations, Congress, and the White House to express gratitude for our valuable contributions. This year, PSRW takes on additional meaning because many civil servants have served our country while risking their own health amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. On May 3, Spokane City Council President Breenan Beggs will present to me a City Proclamation to honor all public servants for their continued service in the City of Spokane.

On April 22, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs held a hearing for Kiran Ahuja, who is President Biden's nominee for director of the Office of Personnel Management.

Please call me at 208-661-7695 or email me at if you have any questions regarding Spokane Chapter 32.

Not President's Corner, but my response to Council President Breenan Beggs: Thank you, Council President Beggs, for recognizing the public servants who live and work within Spokane. Our local chapter of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees has about 500 members. Many of our members have continued to share their time and talents within our community. Although we represent the Federal workforce, many other public servants work within State, County, and City organizations. They share our passion for public service. Thank you, again, for this recognition.


Due to the present health situation all Meetings are virtual until further notice.


To Join the Zoom Meeting, you can either:

Call: 1 – 253 – 215 - 8782

Meeting ID: 869 6851 3284, Passcode: 142288


Working with Region IX VP Linda Silverio, I drafted a proclamation for Gov. Jay Inslee recognizing NARFE’s Centennial milestone. I am pleased to report it will be dated for Public Service Recognition Week, May 2 – 8.

As I previously reported, I established the WSF Reinvention Committee earlier this year to investigate our federation’s future. The committee has met virtually several times. To better understand the needs and wants of our federation leaders and members, the committee has been developing surveys. Recently, chapter leaders electronically received their survey. It is due by mid-May. Other surveys will follow to those chapter and national only members for whom we have email addresses.

Several congressional representatives are now cosponsoring the legislation to repeal GPO and WEP, one of NARFE’s legislative “campaigns.” So, contacting legislators is helping! Another good source for tracking legislation, is

NARFE-PAC MaryAnn Bosky

You can contribute to NARFE-PAC contribution form in the NARFE magazine or by sending a check, made out to NARFE-PAC to our post office box. The address is: NARFE, PO Box 4592, Spokane, WA 99220.

The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits/retirement. We are speaking to all members not just those retired.


For those of you about to retire, there is an alarming figure out there. Making the decision to retire can be tough. The planning can also be difficult. NARFE can help with those things, but what NARFE cannot help with is the 6 - 12 months that it may take to get your first check or payment. You heard right! Because of backlogs at agencies and OPM, it may take up to 12 months to get even interim payments. Our advice - be prepared. NARFE will also be lobbying for faster payments.

The U.S. Postal Service is an essential pillar of American life. During the past few years, it has come under attack. However, President Biden’s nomination of three new persons to the postal governing board signals a renewed commitment to rejuvenate the postal service. All three nominees are familiar with USPS operations and want to improve services and turn around finances. It appears likely that they will be confirmed. Postmaster DeJoy is likely to continue in his position, and the nominees stated that they liked some aspects of DeJoy’s 10-year plan.

May 2 - 8 is Public Service recognition week. NARFE chapter 32 expresses it thanks to all public service employees and retirees for their contributions and dedication.

PROGRAM Chris Smith and Joanne Welch

April’s membership meeting brought Joel Loiacono, Regional Director of Eastern WA and Northern Idaho Alzheimer’s Association. Joel presented the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s, distinguishing the symptoms from more normal changes that come with aging. Some of the symptoms mentioned can be caused by other conditions including thyroid problems, diabetes, depression, Parkinson’s, and even Vitamin B12 deficiencies, so it is essential to visit a doctor for a diagnosis. The Alzheimer’s Association offers a wide scope of support for patients and families alike. The Walk for Alzheimer’s will be October 2 this year. Stay tuned for more information as the date approaches.

Gordon Williams, Postmaster and President of the WA Chapter of United Postmasters and Managers of America, will be presenting at our May 12 meeting. He will be discussing recent problems confronting the Postal Service and the future of postal reform. Louise Soles helped contact Gordon and will introduce him at our meeting. Threats to service and inequities for postal employees have been long term concerns, so we are hoping there will be some solutions soon.

In June, we will welcome Barb Sido, Executive Director of NARFE (on the national level), who will help us celebrate the Centennial of the organization.


LEGcon21 and Centennial Gala Registration: As a reminder, the dates for these events are June 21-23 with the gala being held the night of the 21st. Note: All times are shown as Eastern Time. Registration is now open. The Early Bird rate for LEGcon 21 is $135.00, increasing to $150.00 after May 7th. The fee for the gala is $50.00. Go to, to register.

The Washington State Federation (WSF) is reimbursing members in good standing up to $250.00 for attending these events. However, you need to contact WSF President Steve Roy at or 425-344-3926 to obtain approval prior to registering! Failure to get advanced approval will result in the federation not reimbursing you. Once you receive approval, you may process your reimbursement request, using the F-1 form available on the WSF website.


We are looking for an energetic member willing to become the Membership Chairperson. Contact Scott Robinson if you are interested.

NARFE is more than just a great magazine. Let them know!

Promote NARFE anytime you can. The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits and retirement!


SUNSHINE Susan Harvey

We are all still suffering from the evil we cannot see. Many blessings to all who have been enduring these losses and the uncertainty of COVID changes. Ann Calabro, our Chapter member and widow of Larry Calabro, recently passed away. Condolences have been sent to her family.

Chapter 32 sends birthday and anniversary wishes to all who celebrate in May.

REMINDER, spouses can be members OR can take over the membership of a deceased member. If you are interested in continuing this unbelievably valuable membership, please contact Scott Robinson. He is currently recruiting for a Membership Chair. If you are interested, please contact him.

If you become aware of good news, illnesses, surgeries, or a death of a member or family member, please contact me.

ALZHEIMER’S Pat Hegerberg

Now, new research shows drinking about three cups of coffee each day might stave off Alzheimer's for older adults experiencing memory declines.

The study of 124 older adults with mild cognitive impairment ages 65 to 88 found that caffeine and coffee intake was associated with a reduced risk of developing dementia or a delayed onset of the disease.

Over a two-to-four-year follow-up in the study in which researchers examined blood caffeine levels among participants, they found that participants with MCI who progressed to dementia had 51 percent lower caffeine levels compared with those with MCI who remained stable. Their findings are published in the June 5, 2012 issue of Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

During this Stay-at-Home time, checks may be mailed directly to the WSF Alzheimer’s Chair:

NARFE Alzheimer’s Research:

Lorie Bennett

4310 S Kingwood Street

Kennewick, WA.99337-5706

Include Chapter 32 on your check.

Spokane Washington Chapter 32

PO Box 4592

Spokane, WA 99220

National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 32

NARFE on the Web: National: WSF: Spokane:

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