Published Monthly except July and August
22 – 01 Advocates for Current and Former Federal Employees January 2022
MONDAY JAN. 10, 2022 - 11:30 AM
11:30 AM Social
Darcy’s Restaurant
10512 E Sprague Ave.
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
I bring greetings to one and all from the Texas Gulf Coast, where Tami and I are spending the winter. We hope you all had a merry Christmas and Happy New Year’s Day. We look forward to 2022 while COVID-19 remains with us, despite our best efforts to vaccinate. As we begin a new year, I encourage you renew your Spokane Chapter 32 dues when you renew you NARFE National dues.
NARFE recently activated FEDHub, which is an online connection between members around the country. FEDHub was created to share knowledge and value of our entire community to you. I encourage you to go to NARFE’s webpage to learn more and log in.
With a recent Executive Order, President Biden will give federal employees an average 2.7% pay raise in 2022. This includes 2.2% across-the-board pay and 0.5% locality pay, which is on par with the pay raise given to military members.
OPM will mail all 2021 1099-R forms by January 31. However, you can go to OPM’s Retirement Services Online and access your 2020 1099-R today.
Save the date! FEDcon22 will be held August 21-23, 2022, at the Westin Kierland Resort in Scottsdale, AZ. More information will be coming out later this year about this important conference.
Please call me at 208-661-7695 or email me at scottsoriole@q.com if you have any questions regarding Spokane Chapter 32.
Congress is in recess. Bills dealing with the GPO, WEP and the measure of our COLA will have to wait until next year.
One item did come to my attention. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is hell bent on reforming the USPS regardless of the impact of the changes on service levels, morale etc. His timing was terrible- near the election and ballot workloads.
Public Service and the NAACP sued the USPS on the grounds that these changes adversely impacted prompt and reliable mail service.
In December, a settlement was reached. The Postal Service agreed to meet with NAACP prior to national and primary elections and to provide weekly reports on service levels during the weeks leading up to the election. The Postal Service also agreed to provide guidance documents on their plans to ensure timely delivery of mail.
The public gains a win here.
F-100 Be Prepared for Life’s Events
While one’s death is a difficult topic to discuss, reviewing this information your family will help them to understand the steps they will need to take. You should ensure that your family member review the F-100 guide with you and know where it is located. You also should review the guide periodically to ensure that the information is up to date.
The F-100 guide is available on the NARFE.org website.
ALZHEIMER’S Pat Hegerberg
Coffee Drinking Linked to a Healthier Memory
Isn’t it nice when a study comes along that supports a common daily habit?
A most recent study published in the journal PLOS Medicine adds to a growing body of evidence showing that a few cups of Joe may reduce the risk of many ailments including memory loss, diabetes, cancer, and even early death.
For this study, researchers at Tianjin Medical University in China studied the coffee-drinking habits and health of 365,682 men and women between the years 2006 and 2020. They evaluated these study participants using data stored at the UK Biobank. Over the study period, 5,079 of these folks developed dementia and 10,053 experienced at least one stroke. Coffee drinkers, however, had the lowest incidence of these health problems.
What about tea drinkers? The researchers found that drinking three to five cups of tea per day also dramatically lowered the risk of stroke and dementia.
PROGRAM Chris Smith and Joanne Welch
January brings a program on homelessness, an all-too-common word these days for Spokane and other areas of the country. Sarah Yerden, Director of Marketing and Communications with Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington, will be joining us to talk about the organization’s efforts to take care of the mentally ill, addicted, and the poor. All three circumstances contribute to homelessness. We hope you join us for this inspiring presentation.
In February, Professor Candace Correia of Whitworth University, an expert in taxes, bankruptcy, and related retirement issues. She has her Juris Doctorate and Masters in Taxation degrees from Gonzaga University. Candice will be offering some insights into the world of taxes given the new Biden administration. She also recently co-authored a paper on the “Medicaid Trap.” Join us for her explanation.
NARFE is more than just a great magazine. Let them know!
Promote NARFE anytime you can. The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits and retirement!
SUNSHINE Susan Harvey
The holiday season is retreating for another year. And the Chapter is wishing all our members, peace, health, good fortune, and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Please treat others with kindness and gentleness every day. The Chapter is sending birthday and anniversary wishes to all who celebrate in January 2022.
Ronald Vannoy has recently passed. Condolences have been sent to the family. Sandy Cook’s sister, Rhonda, passed away this week after a long illness. Kathy Brook’s nephew, David, has been critically ill and is now recovering. Sincere sympathy to all who have lost friends and loved ones.
REMINDER, spouses can be members OR can take over the membership of a deceased member. If you are interested in continuing this very valuable membership, please contact Scott Robinson. He is currently recruiting for a Membership Chair. If you are interested, please contact him.
If you become aware of good news, illnesses, surgeries, or a death of a member or family member, please contact me at 509-953-6828.
NARFE-PAC MaryAnn Bosky
You can contribute to NARFE-PAC contribution form in the NARFE magazine or by sending a check, made out to NARFE-PAC to our post office box. The address is: NARFE, PO Box 4592, Spokane, WA 99220.
The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits/retirement. We are speaking to all members not just those retired.
SPOKANE SERVICE CENTER Narfe0032@gmail.com 509-624-9465
MONDAY JAN. 10, 2022- 11:30 AM
Darcy’s Restaurant
10512 E Sprague Ave.
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
To Join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 839 6653 2738
Passcode: 230631
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,83966532738#,,,,*230631# US (Tacoma)
We are holding our plans for the 2022 Pre-Retirement Seminar for a few months. The class will depend on the pandemic schedule. Keep checking in with us, for the schedule.
The Chapter is looking for a Membership Chair. If you are interested, please contact any of the Officers or Directors. Come be a part of a great group of people fighting for your benefits.
Spokane Washington Chapter 32
PO Box 4592
Spokane, WA 99220
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 32
NARFE on the Web: National: www.narfe.org WSF: www.narfewa.org Spokane: www.narfespokane.org