Published Monthly except July and August
21 - 02 Advocates for Current and Former Federal Employees February 2021
FEBRUARY CHAPTER MEETING MONDAY Feb. 8., 2021 - 11:00AM ZOOM MEETING: To Join the Zoom Meeting, you can call: Meeting ID: 869 6851 3284 Passcode: 142288 Or you can CLICK HERE to join online. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Scott Robinson
I have been recruiting a Membership Chairperson for a few months. Arlene Patton will wear another NARFE hat as she volunteered to cover our Membership responsibilities. Thank you, Arlene.
Although the promise of COVID vaccines continues, one of our members reported losing four friends to raging COVID. Our age group appears to be at greatest risk of death; more so if we have other health issues. You can go to www.FindYourPhaseWA.org to learn when your turn for a vaccine will occur. Wife Tami and I did, and we are currently qualified for a vaccine. You can also go to www.doh.wa.gov/YouandYourFamily/Immunization/VaccineLocations to find seven vaccine locations in our local area. We were among the 3,000 people that got our first Moderna vaccine at the Spokane Arena. At the time of this writing, 38,000 vaccine doses have been given within a Spokane County population of 523,000 people (7%). I encourage you to be vigilant in contacting these locations to secure your vaccination appointment.
On January 22, President Joe Biden rescinded the previous administration's Schedule F executive order. It would have created a new federal employment category that politicizes federal jobs and threaten the delivery of services to the American people. NARFE strongly supports President Biden’s move to rescind this order.
OPM will mail all 2020 1099-R forms by January 31. However, you can go to OPM’s Retirement Services Online and access your 2020 1099-R today.
Please call me at 208-661-7695 or email me at scottsoriole@q.com if you have any questions regarding Spokane Chapter 32.
Due to the present health situation all Meetings are virtual until further notice.
To Join the Zoom Meeting, you can call: Meeting ID: 869 6851 3284 Passcode: 142288 Or you can CLICK HERE to join online.
NARFE-PAC MaryAnn Bosky
You can contribute to NARFE-PAC contribution form in the NARFE magazine or by sending a check, made out to NARFE-PAC to our post office box. The address is: NARFE, PO Box 4592, Spokane, WA 99220.
The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits/retirement. We are speaking to all members not just those retired.
The Jan/Feb issue of the NARFE magazine presents NARFE’S advocacy positions for 2021-2022. We have seen and discussed these issues before, and its high time that some of them get accomplished. They include, among others:
· A fair COLA that measures inflation for seniors - the CPI-E
· Legislation to repeal or reform the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision. (WEP)
· Pay increases for Federal employees designed to achieve comparably with the private sector.
· Legislation to allow retirees to pay health care premiums with pre-tax dollars; a benefit currently enjoyed by employees.
The only way to let Congress know that we care about these issues is to tell them. There is a web site, GovTrack.us, that gives the status of bills in Congress. There is already a bill, HR82, dealing with the GPO and WEP. Surprising, they give the bill a 1% chance of passage. Your actions are needed to improve that percentage. As a means of increasing our impact on our representative, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, please call or email me with your story of how the GPO and WEP affect you. Personal stories are effective in reaching members of Congress. I would be glad to pass them on to her.
Two pieces of good news:
1. The president is expected to sign an executive order killing efforts to establish a schedule “F”.
2. Both the House and Senate have proposed legislation providing a 3.2% pay raise for employees in 2022.
PROGRAM Chris Smith and Joanne Welch
Thanks to Deanne Wilfong for presenting some ideas about de-cluttering at our last membership meeting. She provided a 2-page follow-up of 15 Things You Can Get Rid of Today and Never Miss. Having moved from Alaska to Spokane five years ago, we have a head start, but still need to do some work.
On Monday February 8, we will hear from Dr. Francisco Velazquez, the interim Health Officer for Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD). The presentation will deal with the status of vaccines in the Spokane area, sources to determine where to get the vaccine, behavior after being inoculated, opening phases, and future travel. Join us for this informative and important discussion. As vaccines are becoming more and more available, there seems to be some hope for returning to a more normal life. Dr. Velazquez will give us some guidance to get there.
Dr. Velazquez has a noon meeting, so we are starting our February meeting at 11:00 am instead of 11:30 am. Be sure to Zoom in early.
Chapter 32-Spokane currently has 312 Chapter members & 210 National only members for a total of 532 members. During 2020 we recruited 6 new members. National identified 12 prospective members, which have all been sent a letter inviting them to join NARFE as well as Chapter 32.
Recruitment and Retention remains one of the top priorities for Chapters. Therefore, I would encourage all of us to look at ways we can recruit new members into Chapter 32-Spokane. Remember that National Bylaws identify members as National only members, Chapter members, Associate members, and Social members.
Spouses of federal employees/retirees are eligible and considered NARFE members. We all know what National and Chapter members are, but what are the special member category of Associate & Social members.
Associate members, who are members of NARFE, may participate in the chapter as prescribed in the chapter bylaws. Any dues assessed shall be paid directly to the chapter.
Social members, who are not eligible to join the Association, may participate in the chapter as prescribed in chapter bylaws.
I have a supply of NARFE magazines & brochures if anyone needs some in your efforts to recruit new members.
Your help is needed in the recruitment of new NARFE/Chapter members.
We are looking for an energetic member willing to become the Membership Chairperson. Contact Scott Robinson if you are interested.
NARFE is really more than just a great magazine. Let them know!
Promote NARFE anytime you can. The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits and retirement!
SUNSHINE Susan Harvey
Personally, I am counting the days to SPRING! I am ready for sunshine, Spring flowers, everyone who wants to be immunized to get it, a quieting political scene, and so much more. In my life, I need a little more peace and pleasure, seeing more friends and not worrying about those I love becoming ill.
Many are beginning 2021, about like 2020 ended. As much as many hoped for a better year with less death and stress, it has not materialized. The sad news, Mary and Gary Rohner have lost two family members. Gary’s stepbrother, William, and Mary’s father, John, both passed unexpectedly. NARFE has not received notice of any deaths of our members.
Australia is the only place I have heard about that has a handle on Coronavirus!
Chapter 32 sends birthday and anniversary wishes to all who celebrate in February.
REMINDER, spouses can be members OR can take over the membership of a deceased member. If you are interested in continuing this unbelievably valuable membership.
If you become aware of good news, illnesses, surgeries, or a death of a member or family member, please contact me.
ALZHEIMER’S Pat Hegerberg
Type of Alzheimer’s with Intact Memory Offers New Research Paths (January 13 issue of Neurology)
“We are discovering that Alzheimer’s disease has more than one form. While the typical Alzheimer’s patient will have impaired memory, patients with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) linked to Alzheimer’s disease are quite different. They have problems with language—they know what they want to say but can’t find the words—but their memory is intact,” says lead author Marsel Mesulam, MD.
The current study aimed to investigate whether the memory preservation in PPA linked to Alzheimer’s is a consistent core feature or a transient finding confined to initial presentation, and to explore the underlying pathology of the condition.
Spokane Washington Chapter 32
PO Box 4592
Spokane, WA 99220
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 32
NARFE on the Web: National: www.narfe.org WSF: www.narfewa.org Spokane: www.narfespokane.org
President Joseph R Biden Jr.
Senator Patty Murray
10 N. Post, Suite 600
Spokane, WA 99201
Senator Maria Cantwell
920 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 697
Spokane, WA 99201
Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers
10 N. Post, 6th Floor
Spokane, WA 99201