Spokane NARFE

Feb 24 min

February 2024


I remind you that NARFE was founded in February 1921 to unify federal retirees and influence legislators to secure our annuities. It has worked for the past 103 years to protect our earned pay and benefits.


FEB. 12, 2024 Lunch at 11:30 Meeting at 12:15 Darcy’s Restaurant

10502 E. Sprague Ave.

PRESENTER – Chloe Logan – Social Worker for Hospice House South

In 1974, Congress passed theCongressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, which established a budget process and changed the government’s fiscal year from beginning July 1 to October 1. Leaders hoped it would be easier to agree on annual federal spending plans. Fifty years later, however, consensus on the federal budget is more elusive than ever as Congress recently passed another Continuing Resolution to maintain government spending at the previous fiscal year’s levels. The present CR will extend 20% federal funding to March 1 and 80% funding to March 8. Congress will be in session jointly for only six days between January 19 and March 1 and 10 days between January 19 and March 8 (sources federaltimes.com and narfe.org).

Did somebody remove February from the calendar?

As your President, I’m recruiting Leadership for Alzheimer’s, Program, Membership, and NARFE-PAC committees for Spokane Chapter. If you are interested in any of these tasks, then please contact me. With no chairperson, a village is needed to complete these tasks.

Please call me at 208-661-7695 or email me at scottsoriole@q.com if you have any questions regarding Spokane Chapter 32.

ALZHEIMER’S (vacant Chairperson)

Minutes 60

Last year, this ghost writer shared with you about promising new drugs to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Now, did you watch

on television January 14? Also, Lauran Neergaard of the Associated Press wrote a similar story January 3. Neuroscientists have found a way to transport these drugs faster across the blood/brain barrier by focusing ultrasound in areas rich with brain-clogging plaque, also known as amyloids. Their results showed fewer amyloids after treatment. This technique does not cure this dreaded disease, but it helps reduce its progression. NARFE contributes millions of dollars to Alzheimer’s research. I cannot say if NARFE dollars went to this project, but I can say that NARFE supports this type of research. NARFE will continue supporting Alzheimer’s research with your continued contributions.

Spokane Chapter is recruiting an Alzheimer’s Chairperson. If you are interested in sharing your learned knowledge with the group, then please contact any Officer or Director. With no chairperson, a village is needed to share information with our group.

PROGRAM (vacant Chairperson)

If you missed our recent meetings, then I encourage you to go to narfespokane.org to read about our past guest speakers. Please join us February 12 for Speaker Chloe Logan. Chloe is the Social Worker assigned to Hospice House South, part of Hospice of Spokane. She will discuss “how to prepare for the future with ourselves and loved ones”.

Spokane Chapter is recruiting a Program Chairperson. If you are interested in sharing your learned knowledge with the group, please contact any Officer or Director.


The Chapter is looking for a Membership Chair. If you are interested, please contact any of the Officers or Directors. Come be a part of a great group of people fighting for your benefits.

NARFE – PAC (Vacant Chairperson)

For several years, this ghost writer has said, “the Congress giveth and the Congress taketh.” Over time, the Congress has given federal employees and annuitants employment benefits, such as health benefits, in exchange for lower wages of comparable jobs in the private sector. NARFE-PAC supports Fed-friendly legislators who understand that government should keep the promises made to its public servants.

You can contribute to NARFE – PAC using the contribution form found in the monthly NARFE Magazine or by sending a check, made out to NARFE – PAC, to our Post Office Box. The address is: NARFE, PO Box 4592, Spokane, WA 99220.


As I write this, a government shutdown looms once again. Apparently, the Speaker of the House reached some agreement with the Senate Last

week only to back down from it when his conservative cohorts balked. A week was wasted.

All the bills that NARFE supported last year are still on the Congressional docket this year. They include the Government Pension Offset/ Windfall Elimination Provision (GPO/WEP), the bill to give FERS retirees the same benefits as CSRS retirees, and the bill to use a COLA computation that more accurately reflects a retiree’s situation.

NARFE will push especially hard on the GPO/WEP since it has over 300 cosponsors and has yet to be voted on.

NARFE is more than just a great magazine. Let them know!Promote NARFE anytime you can. The more members we have the more power to protect our benefits and retirement!


WEBSITE Chris Smith

Please contact me at finesse.minds_0j@icloud.com if you find any errors or have any pictures or pertinent articles that may be of interest to members via the website.

SUNSHINE Susan Harvey

WELCOME to two new members, Neal Penney and Julia McGann!Happy birthday and anniversary celebrations to all who celebrate.Our Chapter has lost two members in the new year: Margaret Haine and Laverne Wydelle Hathaway.

Scott Robinson is continuing the search for a Membership, Alzheimer’s, and Programs Chairs. Call him if you are interested. REMINDER, spouses can be members on their own OR can take over the membership of a deceased member.If you become aware of good news, illnesses, surgeries, or a death of a member or family member, please contact me at 509-953-6828.


We are looking for ways to reach active employees of the government agencies in our area. If you have ideas, please share them with us.




The meeting will be available via ZOOM:The ZOOM information is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84692463195?pwd=R3M0eFF0NzRaMFo3bTNvNERDNHBBUT09

Meeting ID: 846 9246 3195 Passcode: 137652+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)




Spokane Washington Chapter 32PO Box 4592Spokane, WA 99220National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association 32

NARFE on the Web: National: www.narfe.org WSF: www.narfewa.org Spokane: www.narfespokane.org
